The Importance of Self-Care

The Importance of Self-Care

It is no surprise that life can get busy and overwhelming at times. That is why practicing self-care is incredibly important, especially when faced with challenges, but even just everyday life.

In the midst of busy schedules, the need to make time for ourselves is very important in today’s society. It can be so easy to get caught up in the constant rush of life that we forget to make ourselves a priority too. This can lead us to feel overwhelmed, anxious, and depressed, especially when one already has pre-existing mental health concerns.

Adopting a self-care routine, or even simply taking 5-10 minutes out of every day to do something that you personally enjoy, can make a huge difference in overall happiness and wellbeing.

Are you not sure where to start, or wondering what exactly constitutes self-care? We hear you. While many are under the impression that self-care must be in the form of meditation, mindfulness, or spiritual practice, it is not limited to that. Self-care is different for everyone and can simply be doing anything that makes you happy or relaxed. For some, it can be as simple as watching a favorite TV show, eating your favorite food, or reading a favorite book; while for others, it could be yoga or other exercise. The goal is to enjoy what you are doing and taking a break to relax.

Some people may think self-care is selfish; however, that is the farthest thing from the truth. It is not selfish to take some much-needed time for yourself. Plus, by taking care of yourself, it allows you to take even better care of others by improving your motivation and productivity.

For those with packed schedules, the thought of adding yet another thing to it can be daunting, but it does not have to be. If you feel like there is no possible way you can set time aside for self-care, do not stress about it. You can improvise by listening to an audiobook, podcast, or talking to a friend on the phone while you are doing things such as driving, cooking dinner, or getting ready.

If you are still struggling with figuring out how to incorporate self-care into your daily life, there are numerous online resources that can help, such as the one from on developing a plan for self-care.

Have any ideas? What is YOUR favorite self-care activity? Feel free to share in the comments below!

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